Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So it kills me that i wear my heart on my sleeve..
i love to love people..
i love to see people happy and doing whats best for them.
i love to be loved and cared for.
i love to love and care for others.
i get attached quickly,
weather in a dating relationship or a friendship..
i cherish the simple things in life just
as much as i cherish the huge things.
i am blessed to be me.
i have a huge heart.
i miss people alot!
every day there is someone i miss..
ok alot of people i miss..
sometimes being in an army town is hard.
i meet and make friends..
and they get sent to jrotc,
or to the field.
or flat out deployed for a year at a time..
and that gets hard..
but im learning to toughen up thats for sure.!
i learn about myself daily.
and ive learned that no matter
how much love and joy i have in my heart..
it still ache's every day!!
aches for so many people, for so many things...

thats all the ramble i have for now..
g'night world..

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I dreaded my hair.

its 12:31 pm. but really its 1:31 pm.
we spring foward an hour tonight.

i miss my friends.

im teaching 2-3 yearolds tomorrow at church :)
they make me laugh.

im ready for a vacation.

kennedy jane is growing by the day!!!

i really need to paint something !! im having withdrawls..
havent done it in awhile.

i wrote another song:

its on my youtube.
check it out.
search for
no space or anything.
and you'll find me.

its not good.

well g'night world.

-ps it was 80 degrees today and i layed out in my swimmy suit to get some sun..
its supposed to be cold again next week though.
thats nc weather for ya rigth there!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

You always want what you cant have...
you get a taste but not the whole experience...
you dream big in hopes to fly,
and you make it off the ground,
but only for a second...
than you crash..
will you every fly forever..
see your dreams come true...
get a chance to experience it all..
will you ever get what you want
and have it forever?
once you realize its all His anyways..
so let go and let God.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Its the small things in life that captivate me the most.
like this oil on the road.
it's something ugly yet its been turned into
something so beautiful.

Its like the sound of rain on the roof.
you knows its not going to be a sunny day,
but you know
its going to be a relaxing one.
a refreshing one.

Its like the flicker of a candle.
it is so powerful, it could consume so much so quick.
but instead its just there,
the aroma is

what exactly is that.
if you ask me,
i would say its being content.

Right now i am content.
but to me being content is not always such a good thing.
i am longing, searching
i am wanting, believing
in something more than myself.
something more than life.